P&P Cream™ – The new era of purging and polishing
With a working temperature between 70 ° C and 420 ° C, P&P CREAM™ , specific for the cleaning of screws, cylinders, nozzles, hot runners, extrusion dies, molds and any metal surface removed charred residue, black spots, colored pigments and all let over material deposit, for all thermoplastic , thermosetting and rubber.
P&P Cleans™ instantaneously unlike all other products that take longer and leave material traces.
P&P CREAM™ is smokes less, odorless and doesn’t contain solvents or abrasives. All components P&P CREAM™ are ” GRAS ” (Generally Recognized as Safe) by FDA and Food Contact Certified.

P&P Cream™ is the only product that cleans all types of machines from ABS, PA, PET, PS, PMMA, PC, SAN, PVC, EVA, PU, TR, PBT, PPO,PPS, PPA, PP, PE, SBR , EPDM, BMS, FPM to SILICONE etc
P&P Cream™ has no rivals
ABS green -> MABS transparent; Krauss Maffei (40 mm screw); 2 x 1 sachets + 2-3 kg of MABS; the second passage made it to clean completely.
The purging is instantaneous. You can obtain this only with P&P Cream™.
“P&P Cream™ is the only instant solution for all plastic materials. What could be better?”
We’re always willing to test our P&P CREAM™ on your machines so that you can compare it with your current purging product. Just let us know!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (+39) 348 2239672 or send us an e-mail.